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Read stories of God's faithfulness and recaps of our Mission Experiences in Belize.

Witnesses to His Sovereignty 

July 7, 2024

Post for July 6, 2024 What a full day we’ve had! Our team met early this morning at 4:15am at Richmond International Airport. We gathered our 23 bins of ministry supplies and worked through the process of getting each team member checked in. We had the nicest Delta employee helping us through all of our […]

Travel Update | BZE-Pomona

July 6, 2024

We are here and couldn’t be happier! We got to the hotel and immediately came upstairs for lunch. We’ll update later with more details! Thank you for your prayers! God is good!

Travel Update | ATL-BZE

July 6, 2024

We have arrived in Belize! We are waiting to go through immigration and customs. Soon we’ll board the vans to head to the village!

Travel Update | RIC-ATL

July 6, 2024

We made it to our gate in Atlanta and are waiting to board our flight to Belize! Our first flight was quick and smooth! Thank you for your prayers!

Travel Update – Richmond

July 6, 2024

Today is the day!! Our team gathered this morning at RIC at 4:15am, we’ve made it through security, and have boarded our flight! Our team is ready to GO! We’ll update as we’re able throughout the day here and on Instagram! Follow us @2819ministries!

Miracle After Miracle

July 5, 2024

Wow! It’s hard to believe that tomorrow morning our team of 21 people will be on a plane heading to Belize for our 2024 Mission Experience! We’ve experienced so many miracles in this season leading up to this trip. We’ve seen people give sacrificially. We’ve seen people serve with abundant joy. We’ve seen people pray […]

An English Learning Community

February 24, 2024

“Who, then, was a good neighbor to this man?”  Luke 10:25-28, 29 / On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”  He answered, “‘Love the Lord […]

An Opportunity to See His Kingdom at Work

December 12, 2023

Joy is the collective laughter of 300 primary students. Joy is the Christmas card filled with just the words you need. Joy is the taste of an over-iced, over-sprinkled Christmas cookie.  And yet, joy is so much more than Christmas cheer. In the past month, joy has been our mission, because we believe that joy […]

28:19 Ministries activates believers to live in response to the great commission.

28:19 Ministries is on a mission to respond to the Great Commission by supporting education, meeting physical needs, and making disciples. Will you be a part of it?

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