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Read stories of God's faithfulness and recaps of our Mission Experiences in Belize.

Travel Update | ATL – RIC

July 15, 2024

We are home! Thank you so much for your prayers and for following along with our 2024 Mission Experience! Join us this Friday (7/19) for Come & See: Blessings from Belize. It will be at 6:30PM at Cornerstone Christian Church (9400 Gayton Road). We’ll be sharing stories from our time in Belize, and would love […]

Travel Update | BZE – ATL

July 14, 2024

We’ve been in Atlanta for about three hours! We ended up landing about 40 minutes early! We deplaned, visited the bathrooms, got through customs and immigration, and got through security in 40 minutes! A record breaking day in Atlanta! Everyone has full bellies and we’re waiting to board our flight to Richmond! See you soon!

Travel Update | Pomona – BZE

July 14, 2024

We’re boarding our plane in Belize now! We’ve had such a smooth morning of traveling and getting checked in! Our shuttles picked us up in Pomona at 7am. We had powder buns and Johnny cakes on the go with coffee. Hez even surprised us by waiting at the bus stop in Hope Creek so he […]

Our Fishing Expedition

July 14, 2024

Post for July 13, 2024 Our final full day in Belize has come to a close. The bins are being packed up, suitcases are ready to roll, and team members are asleep. We have an early wake up call in the morning, and it feels so weird that it’s already time to head home. This […]

Returning to Holy Ground

July 13, 2024

Post for July 12, 2024 How is it already the end of day seven?! Although we didn’t have our regular programming today, we filled it up with so many fun things! We started our day with breakfast on the rooftop just like every other day! Today’s breakfast lineup was fry jacks, eggs, beans, chicken sausage, […]

Chosen for This

July 12, 2024

Post for July 11, 2024 It’s hard to believe that our programming has come to a close! Today was emotional and beautiful, and every team member poured every ounce of themselves into it. To see something that we’ve spent months planning for come to life has brought us so much joy that we get to […]

Choosing to See

July 11, 2024

Post for July 10, 2024 It’s crazy to think that we just finished our third day of programming. Our team has spent a lot of time this week talking about choosing to see. We’ve seen God at work in so many ways; even in the smallest of details. We’ve had our eyes wide open to […]

A Trusted Friend

July 10, 2024

Post for July 9, 2024 Wow! It’s hard to believe that we’re already halfway through our programming! Time is flying here in Belize, but we’re taking advantage of every single moment here. No time is being wasted – the Good News is too costly and too worthy for us to sit idle. We have to […]

A Loving Father

July 9, 2024

Post for July 8, 2024 Our first day of programming is in the books, and it was AMAZING! We started our day with breakfast on the rooftop and a RAINBOW! We had waffles, pancakes, eggs with ham, banana, pineapple, cantaloupe, and fruit punch. Pastor Lord and his family joined us for breakfast, and we each […]

Joyful Expectation

July 8, 2024

Post for July 7, 2024 When I think back on all that happened today, I see such a beautiful picture of the hands and feet of Jesus at work. We tell team members that this day can be one of the toughest because there’s so much physical labor and brain work, yet our bodies are […]

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