EIN #: 84-3058057
We believe that transparency as a non-profit organization is key to continuing the work we're called to do. We couldn't do this without the generosity of our donors and partners. That's why we want to make it easy for you to find our financial documents and reports - so you can give with confidence knowing that your giving is changing lives around the world.
Do you want to make an eternal impact? Do you have a heart for the nations? Since the launch of 28:19 Ministries, we have been committed to supporting education, meeting physical needs, and making disciples to build a legacy in Jesus’ name all across the world. As we look to the future and respond to God’s call for our next steps, we want to invite you to be a part of it by becoming a Legacy Partner. When you become a Legacy Partner, you're committing to monthly giving so we can confidently go where the Lord leads us as a ministry. Will you join us?
If you're looking for more ways to get involved, check out our volunteer opportunities! We can't wait to serve alongside you!
We are looking forward to staying in contact with you so that you can get all of the latest updates on our programming, volunteer opportunities, and more!
© 2019-2024 28:19 MINISTRIES