Life Change

July 16, 2022

Today has been a day of full circle moments. Moments that we weren’t expecting but have blessed us beyond measure. As we shared in a previous blog post, we’ve been coming to Belize since 2012 (with the exception of 2020 and 2021). This is our ninth year being in Belize physically. When we’re not here with our feet on the ground, it can feel like we’re not doing enough or like we’re not making a difference. Today, God pushed those worries aside and showed us just how important the last decade of work has been. Seeds have been planted since 2012 and this week we’ve seen growth from those seeds.

This morning was just like any other. We woke up for breakfast on the rooftop. Today we had waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit, and juice — delicious as always! Afterwards, we had our quiet time before getting in the van. Today’s schedule was a little different that the past few days. We helped KK4J with their quarterly medical clinic. We met the team at Pomona and stepped in where help was lacking. Amy worked in triage, Kristell worked in the pharmacy, Peyton and Dolisca helped people get to the doctors, and the rest of us were left to play with the kids and minister to families. At first, there was a lot of coloring, soccer, and temporary tattoos. The kids LOVED getting tattooed and loved tattooing our team! Kelley had marker and tattoos all over her arms! As the morning went on, things got a little slower and the kids were in need of a break from playing. We just sat and talked to them and each other for a little while. 

Amy had lots of great conversations with patients. One patient she triaged was a man from Pomona where we serve. She asked if he knew Annamae and Rodwell. He said yes. Amy responded that Annamae was her best friend and that they stay at each others’ houses. The man laughed and thought she had made a mistake in the story. The man lives in the village we serve in and quickly realized who he was talking to — Miss Amy. She asked why he never comes out in the village when we visit, and he responded with the most perfect answer — “I can always tell when you’re here”. 

A little while later, she triaged a man whose notes from his last visit said that he claimed he couldn’t be a Christian. She asked him why and tears streamed down his face. This man went on to share that he has no family here and that he feels lonely; often turning to alcohol to escape his pain. Peyton talked to this same man outside of the store yesterday. Today, Olivia talked to him before he came inside. And once he came inside, Amy, Taylor, James, and Emily talked to him. Four different conversations led to the outcome. This man accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior today — surrendering his life to Jesus. We invited him to church at Pomona and connected him with a small group leader. We encouraged him to be in community with people who have the joy of the Lord. Emily and James shared their testimonies with him, and James got to lead him in prayer to surrender his life to Jesus. Life change.

These quarterly medical trips aren’t simple. So much work goes into planning them to ensure everyone has a top notch experience. People traveled 3+ hours from all over Belize to see these doctors today. The people here likely see these doctors more than you see yours.

Once we were released from our duties at the medical clinic, we went to a gas station to pick up some water bags to take with us to the Caye tomorrow. We got to drive past the hotel a little bit and see some beautiful views before heading back for the day. When we got back, it was time for happy hour! Woohoo! Shoutout to Bernie Mann for sponsoring part of our happy hour extravaganza! We had frozen drinks and nachos and it was so perfect! Hez made our drinks and Daniela and Maddie made the nachos. We had some team fellowship time while we relaxed. 

We had a few things left in our bins that we wanted to take out to the families in the village. We went out and asked them to meet us behind the hotel at 6:20pm for a surprise. When they showed up, they saw slippers (flip flops), t-shirts (donated by our partner, World Help), pillowcase dresses, and some baby clothes. Everyone was so excited about the items they chose, and seeing little girls smile in a dress they feel beautiful in — there’s nothing sweeter. It’s crazy to think that we’ve watched so many of these kids grow up and step into new life stages for a decade. I’m so thankful for God’s faithfulness in each season and for allowing us to be a part of this story He’s writing. I’ll never take for granted that He chose us to be in relationship with a village 1500 miles away from home.

After we finished with our pop-up shop with the village, we met upstairs for dinner. Miss Shirlene made fried chicken, mac-and-cheese, vegetables, and coconut tarts. The staff here has taken such good care of us — we feel like kings and queens when we stay here. Everyone is so kind and hospitable.

Once we finished dinner it was time for devotions and worship. Tonight’s devotion was on Colossians 3. The discussions that have come out of this week’s devotions have been so beautiful and authentic. God put together such a perfect team for this Mission Experience, and I’m just in awe seeing each person use their gifts to glorify God this week.

Now, most of the team is having another episode of their imaginary podcast “Belize After Dark” and some are fast asleep. Tomorrow we head to the Caye for our day of reflection. Tomorrow will be filled with so much emotion and lots of “see you soon” to our sweet friend in the village. We’re so thankful for this week here, but can’t wait to see the seeds grow after we leave. He is faithful. He is good.

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  1. Pam Hughes says:

  2. Bonté Fugatt says:

    So amazing! Glory to God in the highest

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