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Read stories of God's faithfulness and recaps of our Mission Experiences in Belize.

Called to GO

July 15, 2022

I can’t believe today was our last day of camp! Time has flown and it’s crazy to think we only have two full days left in Belize. Each day has been jam packed with goodness at every turn — today was no different. We began our day with breakfast on the rooftop. We had banana […]

His Redeeming Love

July 14, 2022

There’s no doubt that the Lord went before us in every move we’ve made leading up to this trip. Every decision has been led by the Holy Spirit, and it’s been so beautiful to watch everything unfold just as God intended it. Each day here has been a gift. Each interaction has been a gift. […]

A Loving Father

July 13, 2022

As I spend each day looking at the people and places surrounding me, all my mind comes to is “the Lord is in this place”. It’s easy to feel His presence here and to see His hand at work. His presence is felt in the joyful glances across rooms, the cool breeze in the still […]

Made In His Image

July 12, 2022

Today is the day we’ve been waiting for!!! Our first day of family camp, the women’s conference, and the boys’ small group was everything we dreamed it would be and more. Before we do a deep dive into what our day looked like, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to each […]

God Knows the Desires of our Hearts

July 11, 2022

Wow! What a day! It’s days like today where you sit back and think about the goodness of God. He knows us and our hearts. He’s a big God who cares about the details, and I think that is so beautiful. Today was packed with team time, preparing for our week of serving, and reuniting […]

A Dream Realized – His Faithfulness Abounds

July 10, 2022

In 2019 God planted a dream in the heart of our President and Founder, Amy Gordon. A dream to GO. A dream to serve in a way we weren’t sure we were even qualified for. God called her to start this non-profit, 28:19 Ministries. With the hopes of being able to return to Belize in […]

We Are Here!

July 9, 2022

Just wanted to update quickly to share that we made it to our home for the next week! We had a nice, scenic bus ride and have been unpacking supplies. Thank you for your prayers!


July 9, 2022

We made it to Belize! We’re going through customs now and will post again later tonight!


July 9, 2022

We just landed in Atlanta, and we will soon be on our way to our next gate. We’ve had a great day so far and have had so many people ask who we are and what we’re doing. We even saw a rainbow on this flight — God is faithful! We’ll try to update when […]

Today is the Day!

July 9, 2022

After three years, today is the day. We’re going back to Belize!! Our team is packed and ready to GO! As you go about your day, please be in prayer for safe travels and on-time flights. We can’t wait to see how God moves today and this week. We will do our best to update […]

28:19 Ministries activates believers to live in response to the great commission.

28:19 Ministries is on a mission to respond to the Great Commission by supporting education, meeting physical needs, and making disciples. Will you be a part of it?

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