Our Morning at RIC

July 8, 2023

Wow! An incredible start to our day! We have made it through security and onto our plane! We’ll be taking off shortly, and we are so excited to GO!

We arrived at the airport at 4:15AM to check our bags and get through security. We had the sweetest, most patient Delta employee helping us. She gave us all of our bags for FREE when we normally pay close to $600. What a GIFT from God!

Because we got to the airport when we did, we were planted in the perfect place to pray over a family who was experiencing a medical emergency. God’s timing is always perfect. This Mission Experience started at 4:15AM, and our eyes will be wide open all day for moments like this.

We’ll update when we’re able today! Taking off!

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  1. Bonté says:

    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow

  2. Pam says:

    Great start! I’ll be watching for your updates.

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